Giving brings a great deal of satisfaction. This feeling of satisfaction makes us realise that all this while when we had been rushing, we had missed the most beautiful part of life.

When we are in a rush, we often ignore our own needs and needs of those around us. Slowing down give us time and space to think and make us realise that we must live every moment. When we slow down, we can see clearly and feel the beauty in everything around us. We realise that true meaning of life is to be of help to your neighbour and being involved in every moment and finding ways for making our lives worthwhile.

Take it slowly and live each moment. Slowing down will not make you miss anything in life but if you don’t, you will miss out on all those beautiful connections.

I have dedicate my life to give,to help,to support,to slowdown,to think,to observe,to enjoy life,to live every moment with Happiness

HRE,King Dr Ramon Adegoke Adedoyin

Maye of Yorubaland

Olu of New Maye Town


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