Renowned Educationist and Philanthropist HRE Maye Dr Ramon Adedoyin said he targets lifting about one million Nigerians out of poverty in no distant time.

While stating that he has already put a circle in place to actualise this, he maintained that it is not political but committed to help those in need...

Speaking with  LTV on Saturday, The Handsome Billionaire said poverty rate is increasing, But granting people access to fund will limit the level of poverty in our community.

He said his agenda will help those in need that can aid them make a better living.

"What am trying to do here is to provide to those people who have no access to Medical attentions and those in need of support to their businesses, I will help them. Some of them who cant afford quality Education will be given Scholarships to enrolled into any of our institutions.

"It is about giving people joy. I want to fund and monitor whatever they are going thru" he said.


  1. This is a great opportunity for the youth to have a better liberation in Nigeria and the people of Ile Ife


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